Monday, July 21, 2008

Madden and Madden Nation

Since this blog is probably going to consist of my copletely amazing and factually backable (yea, that's a word) opinions, let's start with my first one.  Who watches that show on ESPN called Madden Nation?  They just had a commercial on it right now... and I was sorta wondering- its one thing to actually play the game, another thing to go out and throw the pigskin around outside, and one more thing to sit at home on your posterior and furiously jam buttons in a futile attempt to sack Mr. McNabb, all while pretending to be the imaginary manager of your not-hometown put still favorite NY Giants.  But who sits around and watches overweight guy that lives in his mother's basement playing a video game on cable? Get a job.   

HA HA HA!  One minute mom, i'm busy! HA HA HA!
(Yes, there is a reason that "i" is not capitalized.

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